
CAD Resources

SolidWorks offers a free 60-day license that your students can load on their laptop computers.
here to download.

SolidWorks on Chromebooks – We realize many students are using Chromebooks to complete coursework at home. Students can use an online version of SolidWorks by visiting and clicking on “Try SolidWorks” at the top of the page. They will need to click “Sign Up” and create an account. This will give students 10 hours of access to the online version.

Automotive Resources

ConsuLab is offering a free 30 minute webinar each day at 1pm CT called “Distributed Learning: Teaching Automotive & Diesel in Isolation”. This will NOT be a sales orientated webinar. Click here to download.

​Electude is offering free access to their online solution for the rest of the semester. Students and teachers can access the platform from any computer, desktop or smartphone. You can track student progress remotely and communicate with students within the platform. Their content includes Electric/Hybrid vehicles, Heavy Vehicle/Diesel Technology as well as Electude Engine Management Simulator. Electude is offering full support and training to help get you set up to use their platform. This free access is for new customers only.

Please contact our office for more information.

Automation/Pneumatics Resources

SMC International is offering free 15-day access to their eLEARNING-200  product. This free review is meant to provide an opportunity for faculty to determine if this product will be able to meet their training needs. Contact us to receive your free access.