1300L Plasma Table

We can’t wait to tell people about the power of the PathPilot® control software, its intuitive interface lets you follow your instincts. We casually mention the in-house design for digital torch height control. You might even hear something about the modular electrical system with fully replaceable control cables – all designed to give you a machine that’s easy to maintain and operate.

1300L Features

• Welded steel table

• PathPilot controller

• Servo driven motors

• Integrated water table

• Hypertherm 45 XP, 65, & 85 available

• Breakaway torch to limit downtime

• Ships with a liftgate – no forklift needed

• Ships from Wisconsin

What is the Tormach 1300L?

See the 1300L in action in this video!

Tormach's Control Software

PathPilot HUB allows you to try PathPilot before you buy!

Click here to visit PathPilot HUB.